Zero Defect Design

About ZDD: 28 years 1997-2O25

Think about all the ways people connect with you and become part of the life of your organization: They attend your special events, visit your exhibitions, discover your community programs, become patrons and supporters, and share all these experiences with their friends and families.

Through experience, storytelling, emotion and learning, your patrons engage with you in many ways. We help you achieve all of them in support of your unique mission.

Zero Defect Design is a unique interactive media studio located in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Initially founded in 1997 to provide services for arts organizations, we now cater to all industries, with a concentration in the arts, education, and cultural non-profits. Today our body of work includes major health care systems, Ivy League universities, an NFL team, and world-class performing arts venues and museums—but true to our founding mission, we remain affordable to small non-profits and local art education programs.

When dealing with people, our approach is to listen carefully to the organizations we work with, to understand their needs, to achieve their goals and exceed their expectations. Our process is as transparent as possible. We always seek the best solution for the unique needs of each organization and each project.

When dealing with technology, our philosophy is to use the most open, widely-accepted industry standards, to provide the greatest compatibility and accessibility for the project today and to ensure the best future support.

Our Team
  • Thomas Anthony
    Principal / Creative Director
  • Eleisha Eagle
    Production Manager
  • Kimberly Iburg
    Content & Social Media Manager
Design Principles

Our studio's distinctive design aesthetic incorporates a few key recurring principles:

  • Usability. Simple navigation, intuitive functionality.
  • Visual Quiet. Except, of course, when the subject matter calls for a riot.
  • Emotional Connection. Conveyed through atmosphere, warmth, messaging and imagery.